How to Improve Basketball Shoe Grip and Enhance Your Performance on the Court

If you’re looking for “how to improve basketball shoe grip,” you’ve come to the right place.

Are you tired of slipping on dusty courts or struggling to maintain traction during a game? 

A good grip on the court is crucial for optimal performance and injury prevention.

In this guide, we’ll explore some tips and tricks to help you improve the grip on your basketball shoes. Whether you’re dealing with old shoes or need to restore grip on a well-worn pair, we’ve got you covered.

We’ll cover factors to consider when choosing basketball shoes for optimal grip, the importance of tying your shoelaces correctly, and how to clean your shoes properly to restore grip. Plus, we’ll introduce some grip-enhancing accessories and recommend some of the best basketball shoes for optimal grip.

Before diving in, let’s ensure we’re on the same page. When we talk about “grip” on basketball shoes, we’re referring to the shoes’ ability to maintain traction on the court. It includes lateral (side-to-side) movement and stopping and starting quickly.

Let’s get started!

Choosing the Right Basketball Shoes

Choosing the right basketball shoes is a crucial first step when improving your grip on the court.

Here are some factors to consider when selecting basketball shoes for optimal grip.

Sole Material

The type of sole material can impact the grip of your basketball shoes. Look for shoes with rubber soles that provide excellent traction on the court.

Traction Pattern

The pattern on the sole of your basketball shoes can also affect your grip. Shoes with a herringbone pattern offer the best traction for basketball players.


Proper fit is essential for optimal grip on the court. Look for shoes that fit snugly without being too tight, which can affect your ability to move comfortably on the court.

It’s important to select basketball shoes that offer good grip, regardless of your budget. If you’re looking for affordable options, plenty of the best basketball shoes under 100 offer excellent grip and performance.

If you’re dealing with old basketball shoes that have lost their grip, don’t worry. There are ways to restore the grip and improve your performance on the court. We’ll cover that in more detail later on.

Remember, selecting the right basketball shoes is the first step in improving your grip on the court.

Let’s move on to some other tips and tricks to help you improve your grip even further.

Cleaning Your Basketball Shoes

Keeping your basketball shoes clean is important in maintaining their grip on the court. When your shoes become dirty or dusty, it can affect their ability to grip the court properly. Here are the steps to clean your basketball shoes and restore their grip

1. Remove excess dirt and dust

Use a soft-bristled brush or a clean cloth to remove any excess dirt or dust from the surface of your shoes. Pay special attention to the soles of the shoes, where most of the dirt and dust tends to accumulate.

2. Use a mild cleaning solution

Mix a small amount of mild soap or detergent with warm water in a bowl. Dip a clean cloth in the solution and wring out any excess water. The cloth should be damp, not soaking wet.

3. Clean the shoes

Gently wipe the shoes with a damp cloth, paying extra attention to the soles of the shoes. Be careful not to scrub too hard or use abrasive materials, which can damage the shoes.

Check out this amazing video on how to clean your basketball shoes. This is a tutorial on how to clean and fix your kicks:

4. Dry the shoes

Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe off any excess moisture from the shoes. Place the shoes in a well-ventilated area and let them air dry completely. Avoid using direct heat or sunlight to dry the shoes, as this can cause damage.

Regular cleaning of your basketball shoes can restore their grip on the court, prevent injuries, and extend their lifespan.

Additionally, it’s important to avoid wearing basketball shoes outside as the dirt and debris from outdoor surfaces can quickly accumulate on the soles of the shoes, reducing their grip on the court.

If you’re struggling to clean your basketball shoes or restore their grip, try using a specialized shoe cleaner designed specifically for basketball shoes. These products can help remove tough stains and restore the shoes’ grip on the court.

Tying Your Shoelaces Correctly

Properly tying your shoelaces is crucial for better grip and performance on the basketball court. Here are some steps and tips for tying your shoelaces correctly to maximize support and grip.

1. Use the correct lacing technique

Different lacing techniques can provide different levels of support and grip. One popular technique is the “loop lacing” method, which involves creating loops with the laces around the eyelets of the shoes for a more customized fit.

2. Tie your shoelaces tightly.

Ensure your shoelaces are tied tightly to provide a secure fit around your feet. It will help prevent your feet from slipping inside the shoes and improve overall stability.

3. Double knot your laces

Once you’ve tied your shoelaces, double-knot them to prevent them from coming undone during play. It will also help maintain the tight fit of the shoes throughout the game.

4. Use the right length of laces

Make sure your shoelaces are the right length for your shoes. If shorter, they can come untied easily and cause you to trip on the court.

By using these techniques to tie your shoelaces correctly, you can improve the grip of your basketball shoes and prevent them from slipping during play. It’s also important to remember to check your laces regularly during the game to ensure they remain tied and secure.

Overall, how you tie your shoelaces may seem like a small detail, but it can greatly impact your performance and grip on the court. Try experimenting with different lacing techniques and find what works best for you and your shoes.

Restoring Grip on Old Basketball Shoes

As you wear your basketball shoes over time, they can start losing their grip and become slippery on the court. Here are some steps to restore grip on old basketball shoes.

Clean your shoes

Before restoring the grip on your old basketball shoes, it’s important to clean them thoroughly. Use a mild detergent and warm water to remove any dirt, dust, or debris that may be clogging the traction pattern of the sole.

Also, check out this video for a better process on how to clean your basketball shoes and restore grip:

Use a traction-restoring product

Many specialized products are available on the market that can help restore the grip on your basketball shoes. Look for products specifically designed for your shoe’s sole material, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Try household items

If you want to avoid spending money on a specialized product, you can also try using household items to restore the grip on your old basketball shoes.

For example, rubbing the soles with sandpaper or a wire brush can help remove any debris and restore the traction pattern.

Keep your basketball shoes in good condition by avoiding wearing them outside or on rough surfaces. It can help them maintain their grip for longer and provide the support they need on the court. Reserve your shoes for indoor use only, and consider investing in a separate pair for outdoor activities.

By following these steps, you can restore the grip on your old basketball shoes and get more use out of them before needing to replace them. Don’t let slippery shoes hold you back on the court – take action to restore your grip and improve your performance.

Using Grip-Enhancing Accessories

In addition to choosing the right basketball shoes, there are some accessories you can use to improve the grip of your basketball shoes. Here are some grip-enhancing accessories you might want to consider.


You can purchase insoles specifically designed to improve the grip of your basketball shoes. These insoles are made with materials that help increase court traction. They can be especially helpful if you’re dealing with shoes that have lost their grip over time.

Basketball Shoe Grip Pads

basketball shoe grip pads

These adhesive pads stick to the bottom of your shoes, providing extra grip and traction. They are lightweight and easy to apply and can help prevent slipping and sliding on the court.

Let’s see how to use the Basketball Shoe Grip Pads:

Basketball Shoe Grip Spray

Basketball Shoe Grip Spray

Traction spray is a liquid that you spray on the soles of your shoes to improve traction. It works by creating a tacky surface that helps your shoes grip the court. Traction sprays are easy to apply and can provide a significant boost in traction.

Let’s see how to use the Best Basketball Shoe Grip Spray:

Basketball Grip Socks

Basketball grip socks

Grip socks are socks with rubberized soles that provide extra grip and traction on the court. They are a good option for players who don’t want to use adhesive pads or traction sprays.

Best Basketball Shoes for Optimal Grip

Basketball players need shoes that provide a good grip on the court for optimal performance and to prevent injuries. While there are many factors to consider when selecting basketball shoes, one of the most important is the shoe’s grip.

Regarding grip, the Peak and Kyrie Infinity brands are two of the best options on the market. Both brands have a reputation for offering basketball shoes with excellent traction and grip on the court.

Best Peak basketball shoes feature a special rubber outsole that provides excellent grip and traction. The outsole is made from durable, high-quality rubber that can withstand the wear and tear of even the most intense games.

Additionally, Peak basketball shoes offer a comfortable fit and plenty of support for the feet.

Best kyrie Infinity basketball shoes and Nike KD Trey 5 IX are another great option for players who need a good grip on the court. These shoes feature a unique traction pattern on the outsole that provides excellent grip on all types of surfaces. 

Additionally, Kyrie Infinity basketball shoes are known for their comfortable fit and excellent support, making them a great choice for players who want to stay comfortable and injury-free during games.

While both Peak and Kyrie Infinity basketball shoes are pricier, they offer excellent value for the money. Investing in a high-quality pair of basketball shoes can help players perform at their best and prevent injuries, making them well worth the investment.

Basketball Shoes for Volleyball or Running

When it comes to sports like volleyball or running, basketball shoes may not be the best option. Here’s why:

  • Traction pattern: The traction pattern on basketball shoes is designed for quick stops and starts on the court, which may not be suitable for the movements required in other sports.
  • Sole material: The sole of basketball shoes is often made of durable rubber, which can be heavy and may need to provide more cushioning for other sports.
  • Fit: Basketball shoes are designed for a specific fit that may not be suitable for other sports. For example, they may be too tight around the ankle for running or bulky for volleyball.

Selecting the right shoes for specific activities is important to avoid injury and maximize performance. If you’re looking for shoes for volleyball or running, consider options specifically designed for those activities.

Shoes Good for Working Out

Basketball shoes are not only designed for the basketball court. They can be used for various workouts, such as weightlifting, HIIT, and running. 

Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting basketball shoes for working out:

  1. The right fit: Ensure the shoes fit snugly and adequately support your feet. Shoes that are too loose or too tight can cause discomfort or injury.
  2. Sole material: Look for shoes with a durable sole made of rubber or synthetic material. It will provide better traction and grip during workouts.
  3. Traction pattern: Check the shoe’s traction pattern to ensure it offers enough grip for the type of workouts you’ll be doing. While basketball shoes can be great for working out, they do have some potential drawbacks:
  4. Weight: Basketball shoes tend to be heavier than other types of workout shoes. It can be a disadvantage for workouts that require quick movements or jumping.
  5. Price: Some basketball shoes, such as the Peak and Kyrie Infinity brands, can be expensive. However, they may be worth the investment if you plan to use them for basketball and other workouts.

Overall, basketball shoes can be a good option for working out if you choose the right pair. Just consider your specific needs and the type of workout you’ll be doing before purchasing. And remember, investing in quality shoes can also make them last longer, saving you money in the long run.


What are the best basketball shoes for optimal grip?

Some of the best basketball shoes for optimal grip include the Peak and Kyrie Infinity brands.

Can basketball shoes improve my game?

Wearing the right basketball shoes can improve your grip on the court, ultimately improving your game.

What are some common materials used for basketball shoe soles?

Common materials for basketball shoe soles include rubber, foam, and TPU.

How do I clean my basketball shoes?

Use a soft brush or cloth with mild soap and water to clean your basketball shoes. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials.

Can I customize my basketball shoes?

Some basketball shoe brands offer customization options, allowing you to choose colors and add personalized details.

How can I improve the grip on my basketball shoes?

You can improve the grip on your basketball shoes by choosing shoes with good traction patterns, using grip-enhancing accessories like insoles or grip pads, and selecting shoes that fit properly.


In conclusion, having a good grip on basketball shoes is crucial for optimal performance and injury prevention on the court. “Players can enhance grip and maneuverability by choosing the right basketball shoes with sole-appropriate material, traction pattern, and fit.”

Additionally, using grip-enhancing accessories can further improve grip on basketball shoes, although it is important to weigh the pros and cons of these accessories. It is, finally, selecting the right shoes for specific activities, such as running shoes for running and volleyball shoes for volleyball.

It is also important to consider the longevity of basketball shoes and look for durable and long-lasting shoes, allowing players to get the most out of their investment. By following these tips and recommendations, basketball players can improve their grip on the court and maximize their performance.

Other Basketball Gear Reviews

Check out our top picks for the best shoes 

If you’re looking for basketball shoes that can add height, we’ve also included a review of basketball shoes that can give you a little extra lift on the court. And for those who are fans of Kyrie Irving, you’ll want to read our Best Nike Kyrie Infinity Basketball Shoes. We’ve also included a review of the best basketball shoes for those dealing with the pain of severe disease.

Remember, having the right gear is important, but working hard and practicing to improve your game is also essential. Now, it’s time to lace up and hit the court!

Shadit Siam
Shadit Siam
Articles: 30

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